Antioxidant effect of lactoferrin on rat liver injury induced by diazinon

Assaraj Q.SH1 , Alattar H.A2 , Farid A.S3 , Fararah K.M3


This study is done to evaluate the antioxidant effect of Lactoferrin (LF) on liver injury induced by Diazinon (DZN). Seventy five rats were divided into five groups, each group contains 15 rats; control (G1): (no treatments), Lactoferrin (G2): (LF, 100 mg/kg bw orally daily for 6 weeks), diazinon (G3): (DZN, 70 mg/kg bw orally, daily for 4 weeks), DZN +LF (G4): (DZN, 70 mg/kg bw orally, daily for 4 weeks followed by LF, 100 mg/kg bw orally daily for 2 weeks, and (LF +DZN) group (G5): (LF, 100 mg/kg bw orally daily for seven weeks and DZN, 70 mg/kg bw for four weeks only started at the second week of the experiment). Nitric oxide (NO), Malondialdehyde (MDA), and glutathione peroxidise (GSH-Px) were estimated in liver tissue, in addition to liver sections were taken for histopathological examination. In comparison to control group (P < 0.005), NO and MDA in liver tissue were increased significantly, while GSH-Px activities were significantly decreased in DZN group. In LF group NO, MDA levels were significantly decreased (P < 0.05), and GSH-Px activities were significantly increased. Compared to DZN group (P < 0.001), NO and MDA, in liver homogenate were found decreased significantly in both (DZN+LF) and (LF+DZN) groups, and GSH-Px activities were significantly increased. Histopathological changes in liver tissue induced by DZN were: mild fibrosis with vacular degeneration of hepatocyte, preductal mononeuclear leucocytic cellular infiltrations, and disarrangement of normal hepatic cells with congestion of portal blood vessels. Rats received LF after intoxicated with DZN (DZN+LF group) showed only normal lobular architecture and normal hepatic cells, meanwhile (LF+DZN group) showed: Von kupffer cells proliferation with mild dialatation of central vein.

Key words

Antioxidant, lactoferrin, rat, Liver, diazinon.

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