Keeping quality of inactivated respiratory virus vaccines (Pneumo-5)

Maha, R. Abd El-Fadil, Rasha,I. El Hawary and Fatma Fadel Warda


In the keeping quality and the Efficacy of freshly locally prepared Bovine Respiratory virus vaccines (Pneumo-5) adjuvanted with either Aluminum Hydroxyl gel or montanoid oil , the serum neutralization test was used for humoral immunity evaluation using( potency sample value) as a parameter by studying the effect of different storage temperature on change on this value and its validity. it was found that the Gel adjuvanted pneumo-5 vaccine was valid for( 15 month, 2 week and 1week) in storage temperature 4-8C( refrigerator) , 18-25C( room temperature) and 37C (incubator) respectively but we found that the Oil adjuvanted pneumo-5 vaccine was valid for ( 24 month, 3 week and 2 week) in storage temperature 4-8C (refrigerator) , 18-25C( room temperature) and 37C( incubator) respectively after that the vaccine becomes invalid .

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