Development of Simple Multiplex Real-Time PCR Assays for Some Probiotics Detection.

1 Yakout A. El-Senosi, 2Abdelbary M. prince, 2Adel Fathey Tohamy Afify, 1 Hend“Ahmed El-Refaey “Atwa.


The main objective of this study to investigate the development of simple multiplex real time for some probiotics detection. The probiotics defined as Live microorganisms when administered in adequate amounts confer a health benefit on the host. Most commonly used probiotics are Lactic acid bacteria (LAB) and bifido bacteria. There are other examples of species used as probiotics (certain yeasts and bacilli). Probiotic supplements are popular now a day. From the beginning of 2000, research on them has increased remarkably. The beneficial effects of probiotics are now day’s widely studied in treatment of many prevailing diseases. In this study, we present the development of molecular methods. Conventional multiplex PCR and SYBR Green based real time PCR assays were performed using genus and species specific primers.

Key words

Probiotics, Lactic acid Bacteria (LAB), Bifido bacteria, Conventional multiplex PCR, SYBR Green Real time PCR.

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