Protection of quail against avian influenza

Abd Elaziem, M.A.; El-Bagoury, G.F.; Sharawy, S. , Amani, A. Saleh and Khodeir, M.H.


An attempt has been under taken to evaluate and investigate the humeral immune response of quail to the inactivated avian influenza (AI) vaccine. Fifty quail were divided into 2 groups where group-1 of 40 birds was vaccinated with inactivated avian influenza vaccine (H5N2) while group-2 of 10 birds was kept without vaccination as control. The induced AI antibodies in vaccinated quail were followed up using HI and ELISA up to 28 weeks post vaccination. All quail remained healthy all over the experimental period showing no abnormal clinical signs. The exhibited AI antibodies reached their peak (64 by HI and 145 by ELISA) by the 4th week post vaccination then begin to decrease by the 8th week (16 by HI and 122 by ELISA). This finding suggest the successful of quail vaccination against AI but more booster doses may be required and further studies are in need to investigate the role of quail in AI epidemiology and immunization

Key words

avian influenza, Quail, HI, ELISA.

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