Hematological and Hemostatic changes in aflatoxin, curcumin plus aflatoxin and curcumin treated rat.

Osama A. Abd Allah, Khalid M. Fararh, Ayman S. Farid, Fatma A. Gad


The present study carried out by using aflatoxin (AF), curcumin plus aflatoxin (R+AF) and curcumin (R). Four groups of rats were used each one consists of 5 rats; control group (C); which received distilled water intragastric daily for 6weeks. aflatoxin-treated group (AF); which received AF at a concentration 38 ppb in diet daily for 6 weeks. Curcumin plus aflatoxin group (R+AF) which received curcumin intragastric at a dose of 200 mg /kg B. wt. with aflatoxins at a dose 38 ppb in diet daily for 6 weeks. Curcumin-treated group (R); which received curcumin intragastric at a dose of 200 mg /kg B. wt. daily for 6 weeks. Aflatoxin-treated group showed macrocytic hypochromic anemia with significant decrease in lymphocyte. Meanwhile, Curcumin plus aflatoxin-treated group showed an improvement in haematological changes (RBC, Hb, Hct, MCV, MCH, MCHC, WBCs and granulocytes) induced by aflatoxin. Concerning haemostatic markers, there were significant prolongations of PT and TT, as well as reduction in platelet count and aggregation percentage in both groups and in curcumin-treated group when compared with control. The results of this study demonstrate that AF cause hemostatic disturbance with toxic effects on hematopoietic system. Additionally, curcumin has antithrombotic and antiplatelet effects.

Key words

Hemostatic markers, Aflatoxin, Curcumin, platelet Aggregation, Hematological parameters.

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