Efficiency of some essential oils in Control of Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus (MRSA) in Minced Beef

Amani, M. Salem; Zakaria, E.M.; Abd El -Raheem, K.A.


In this study, the antibacterial effect of Cinnamon, Thyme and Lemongrass essential oils against Methicillin Resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA) artificially inoculated into refrigerated minced beef was investigated. Sensory analysis indicated significant advantages in using these oils in refrigerated minced beef. Also, results indicated that the MRSA counts decreased as the concentration of the oil increases since the concentration (1.5%) gives the best effectiveness. In addition, a highly significant differences (P Thyme > Lemongrass oil. The shelf life of the treated samples was extended than control ones. In conclusion, these oils especially cinnamon one can be useful for commercial application as potential food preservatives and anti- MRSA agents in food.

Key words

MRSA, Essential oils, minced beef, Antimicrobial

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