HACCP application during different processing stages of beef fillet with special references to corrective action.

Khalid Shappan Abukady, Fahim A. Shaltout , Reham A. Amin , Muhammad A. El-Shatter, and Islam Ibrahim Sabike


Here, in this study HACCP program was applied for the production of beef fillet in an Egyptian hotel and the microbial load before and after application was compared. The aerobic plate count monitored before and after application of corrective action during different successive production stages of beef fillet in tested hotel to examine the frequency of contamination. The mean values of Aerobic plate count before application of corrective actions were 20.47 ± 7.01, 71.33 ± 15.27, 680.0 ± 385.53, 528.67 ±255.39, 24.33 ± 8.09, and 24.33 ± 8.09 (CFU/gm) for the examined frozen, thawed, formed, salted, cooked and served meat, respectively. After application of corrective action, the aerobic plate count declined to be 13.80 ± 4.20, 48.00 ± 7.32, 118.67± 26.97, 92.67 ± 20.34, 7.13 ± 1.95, and

Key words

HACCP, Aerobic plate count, beef fillet, Salmonella, E. coli

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