Bacterial evaluation of vacuum packaged meat products.

Shaltout, F.A., Zakaria, I.M., Lamiaa, M. lotfy , Ibrahim, I. Ahmed.


The purpose of this study to evaluate the microbiological quality of vacuum packaged meat product samples (luncheon- sausage) collected from different markets in Qalyobia governorate (30 of each). The obtained results indicated that the mean values of APC, anaerobic plate count and Enterobacteriacea counts was 2.1xl06±1.5xl06, 1.5xl07±3.5xl06& 1.7xl04±3.9xl03cfu/g for sausage and 2.9xl05±2.6xl04, 2.4xl05±2.5xl04& 2xl05±2xl04 cfu/g for luncheon, respectively. Isolation and identification of some food poisoning bacteria were carried out. Salmonella, Staphylococci, and Clostridium perfringens were isolated and identified and the incidence was 10 %,6.6% and 33.3 % for sausage and 3.3, 10%&43.3 % for luncheon, respectively. Contamination of food by handlers is the most common cause of the presence of microorganisms which indicate a bad hygienic measure applied through different stages of food preparation, handling and serving.

Key words

vacuum, sausage, luncheon, salmonella

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