Humeral response of cattle to concentrated and purified FMD vaccine using different vaccination programmes

El-Bagoury, G.F.1; El-Nahas, E.M.1; Saad, M.A.2 and Abou-Senna, M.S.2


FMD control is largely based on regular vaccination to reduce disease and transmission, in this work we have examined the influence of single vaccination and the interval between the first and second vaccinations , the cattle were allotted into 4 groups and vaccinated with inactivated concentrated and purified FMD vaccine in different programmes of vaccination, it was found that The double doses vaccination two months interval by polyvalent inactivated concentrated and purified oil adjuvant FMD vaccine enhance the afforded protection duration for vaccinated cattle(prolonged immunity), also this program provide the vaccinated animals with high protective antibody titer thus high protection against challenge test.

Key words

FMD, Cattle, SNT, Vaccination.

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