Comparison between effects of Complex enzyme and Multi enzyme supplementation on the Productive Performance of Broiler

Khedr, M N., and Kamelia, M. Z, Tahia, E, Elramy, S. M.


This study was conducted to evaluate the effect of two feed additives commercially produced, the complex enzymes and the multi enzymes on the weekly and finally productive performance of broiler chicks. A total of 600 broiler cobb chicks, housed in an experimental unit, with stocking density 10/ m2, using 10 pens, 60 chicks for each which was used as replicates. Feed and water were provided ad libitum through feeders and bell drinker. Birds were divided into two equal groups.( T1 and T2) each of them 300 chicks and five replicates, the first group T1 group chicks fed the basal diet with complex enzymes Allzyme SSF® 0.2 gm/kg feed that composed from Phytase, Protease, Cellulase, Xylanase, Beta-glucanase, Amylase, and Pectinase , the second T2 group was fed on the basal diet with Multi enzymes Natuphos® 0.05 gm/kg feed composed of Phytase plus Zympex 008® 0.5 gm/kg feed composed of Alpha-galactosidase, Protease, Beta-mannanase, Cellulase, Xylanase, Beta glucanase, Amylase, and Protease. Productive performance was evaluated by determining the weekly feed intake, body weight, FCR, and final mortality rate and European efficient index. Results revealed significant difference between the two tested groups within the different weeks the second group showed higher average body weight and lower FCR, compared with the first group finally, there was no significant difference in mortality rate and European efficient index between the two tested groups. It can be concluded that both complex enzymes and multi enzymes have beneficial effects on the broiler performance parameters

Key words

Complex enzymes, Multi enzymes, Broiler, feed additives

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