Traceability of enteropathogenic E. coli in cattle and camel carcasses

Hassan, M.A.1, Heikal, G.I.2 and Barhoma, R.M.3


A total of 120 random samples of cattle and camel carcasses (60 0f each) were collected from the different abattoirs located in Qaliubiya governorate. The samples taken from each carcass were represented meat, spleen, liver and kidneys (15 samples of each), the samples were collected directly after slaughtering and evisceration. The collected samples were subjected to bacteriological examination for detection and identification of E. coli. Enteropathogenic E. coli organisms were 6.67%, 20%, 26.67%, and 40% of the examined samples of cattle meat, spleen, liver and kidney respectively and were 0.0%, 13.33%, 13.33%, and 33.33% of the examined samples of camel meat, spleen, liver and kidney respectively. The isolated strains were investigated by using Multiplex PCR to detect presence of virulent genes (stx1, stx2 and eaeA) in each isolated Strain of E. coli. O15 Positive strain for stx2 gene, O26 & O111 Positive strains for stx1, stx2 and eaeA genes. O44 & O126 Positive strains for stx1 gene. O55 Positive strain for stx2 gene and eaeA genes. O91, O103 & O127 Positive strains for stx1 and stx2 genes O124 negative strains for stx1, stx2 and eaeA genes. The public health importance of the isolated E. coli and the possible sources of contamination of cattle and camel carcasses with E. Coli as well as suggestive hygienic measures to improve the quality of carcasses were discussed.

Key words

E. Coli, cattle, camel, carcasses, PCR.

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