Impact of some natural preservatives on Bacterial Profile of Minced Meat in Egypt

Fahim A. Shaltouta, Amani. M. Salema, Dalia F. Khaterb and Radwa. A Lelab


In this study, the antioxidant and antibacterial effect of Marjoram and Cumin oils (0.2%&0.3%Vol/W) of each and Mixture from both oils (0.2% Vol/W) were investigated in refrigerated fresh minced meat. Both oils used had considerable effectiveness in decreasing Aerobic Plate Count (APC), Coliform Count and Staphylococci Count as well as chemical indices as pH, Total Volatile Nitrogen (TVN) and Thio Barbituric Acid (TBA) values. Meanwhile, these values decrease as the concentration of the oil increases with highly significant differences (P<0.05) between these different oils. Marjoram oil (0.3% Vol/W) gives the best effectiveness with a significant advantage in extend shelf life of refrigerated minced meat to 7 days compared to control group 4 days. Consequently, essential oils can play an important role as antimicrobial agent in refrigerated minced meat and potentially it might be used as a natural preservative ingredient for longer periods without the need to use hazardous preservatives in food industry, but Marjoram oil is the best one.

Key words

Marjoram, Cumin, Staphylococci, Minced meat

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