Incidence of Some Food Poisoning Microorganisms in Salted fish

Saad S.M1, Edris A.M1, Amani M. Salem1, Enas A. Hassan2, Eman M. Mostafa3


A grand total of 90 random samples of salted fish represented by salted sardine, salted Mugil cephalus (fesiekh) and salted Hydrocynus froskahlii (Mellouha) (30 of each) were collected from different supermarkets at El-Kalyoubia governorate. The collected samples were directly transferred to the laboratory for detection of Staphylococcus aureus and Clostridium perfringens as food poisoning microorganisms. The obtained results indicated that the mean values of Staphylococcus aureus count (cfu/g) in the examined samples of salted sardine, salted Mugil cephalus and salted Hydrocynus froskahlii were 9.77  102  2.01  102, 4.25  102  0.58  102 and 0/g, with an incidence of 73.33%, 43.33% and 0 % for the same examined samples, respectively. The obtained results revealed also that the mean values of Clostridium. perfringens (cfu/g) in the examined samples of salted sardine, salted Mugil cephalus and salted hydrocynus froskahlii were 2.00  102, 5.53  102  0.7  102 and 0/g, with an incidence of 3.33%, 10% and 0%, for the same examined samples, respectively.

Key words

Staphylococcus aureus – Clostridium perfringens, Salted fish.

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