Protective and treatment effect of garlic extract on biochemical changes induced by pesticides in rats

Omayma, A. R. Abouzaid, Afaf D. Abd El-Mageid and Emad A. Alsadek


The present study was undertaken to evaluate the possible protective and treatment influence of garlic extract supplementation to improve hepato-renal functions and antioxidant system against lambada- cyhalothrin and thiodicarb pesticides intoxicated rats have been evaluated. This study was carried out on seventy male rats randomly divided into seven equal groups. Blood samples and liver tissues specimens were collected from all animal groups and used for determination of (SOD, CAT and GSH) in liver tissues. Also serum ALT, AST, GGT, albumin, total protein, creatinine and urea were also determined. The obtained results revealed that thiodicarb and lambada-cyhalothrin induced a decrease in antioxidant enzyme activities in liver tissue. Also depletion in serum albumin, total protein. Moreover, administration of thiodicarb and lambada-cyhalothrin exhibited increase in serum ALT, AST, GGT activities, creatinine and urea concentration. While administration of garlic extract to pesticides intoxicated rats showed a significant increase in GSH, CAT, SOD, Total protein and Albumin and markedly decrease in ALT,AST and GGT activity , creatinine and urea concentration. This study provides in vivo evidence that garlic constitutes a powerful antioxidant property that was able to improve the adverse biochemical changes induced by carbamates and pyrethroids compounds in rats that are widely used in our country. This protective effect of garlic extract dampen the toxicity of thiodicarb and lambada-cyhalothrin intoxicated rats; therefore might be due to its powerful antioxidant activity.

Key words

Garlic extract, Pesticides, hepato-renal functions, antioxidants, enzymes.

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