Detection of C. perfringens toxins in vacuum packaged meat products by using polymerase chain reaction.

Hemmat M. Ibrahim1, Reham A. Amin1, Mohammed A. El-Shater2, Marwa M. Mohammed3


A total of 100 random samples of vacuum packaged meat products represented by sausage ̦ luncheon ̦ frunkfurter and salami (25 of each) were collected from different supermarkets in Cairo, Giza and Kalyobia governments. The prevalence of total anaerobes was 84%with account ranged between<10and 5.38 with a mean 3.58±0.36 for sausage, 56% with account ranged between<10and 3.92 with a mean value 1.76±0.33 for salami total anaerobes in and 60% with account ranged between <10 and 5.73 with a mean 2.55±0.44for luncheon. The incidence of Clostridia perfringens isolated from the examined samples of vacuum packaged salami, sausage, luncheon and frunkfurter was 44%, 80%, 32% and 0% respectively. The enterotoxins of Clostridia perfringens isolated from the examined meat products by traditional methods were type A and type C. Agarose gel electrophoresis of multiplex PCR of specific primers for characterization of enterotoxins (A, C & D) of C. perfringens indicated that sausage had enterotoxin type A and enterotoxin type C, luncheon had enterotoxin type A, enterotoxin type C and enterotoxin D, however salami had enterotoxin type A and type D.

Key words

Vacuum packed, Meat products, Enterotoxins, PCR.

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