Biochemical alterations of resveratrol on oxidative stress in experimental induced non - alcoholic fatty liver disease in rats

Omayma A.R. AboZaid, Omnia M. AbdEl-hamid, Shimaa A. E. Atwa


The main objective of this study is to investigate the alterations of resveratrol on oxidative stress in experimental induced nonalcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in rats. Thirty male albino rats were divided into three groups (10 rats each). The first group fed a normal diet and represents the control group. The second group (NAFLD) fed normal diet enriched with1% cholesterol and 2% coconut oil and act as positive control. The third group fed on normal diet enriched with1% cholesterol and 2% coconut oil and Resveratrol at a rat dose3mg/kg body weight / daily /6weeks intra peritoneal (i.p) . Samples collected after 2, 4 and 6 weeks after treatment. serum was used for estimation of serum nitric oxid ( NO), L- Malondialdehyde (L-MDA) and Immunoglobulins as serum Immunoglobulin A (IgA) Immunoglobulin G ( IgG) and liver function tests as serum Aspartate aminotransferase (AST) ,serum Alanine amino transferase (ALT), serum Gamma glutamyl transferase (GGT). Hepatic tissues for Enzymatic Antioxidants as Liver Catalase ( Liver CAT),Liver superoxide dismutase(Liver SOD) ,Non Enzymatic Antioxidants as Liver Reduced Glutathione (Liver GSH). Results revealed a significantly decrease in serum NO ,Liver CAT, Liver SOD, Liver GSH More ever serum L-MDA, serum AST ,ALT, GGT were significantly increase concentration In addition to Serum IgA, IgG were also significantly increase .The behavioral biochemical results indicated treatment with Resveratrol showed a significant changes and improves these parameters.

Key words

NAFLD, Resveratrol, Antioxidants, Immunoglobulins, Liver function tests

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