Biochemical effect of some novel nanocompsite on metabolic changes in experimentally induced tumor in female mice

Omayma A.R. AboZaid, Hussein Abd-El -Maksoud, Abdel Fatah. M. Badwi, Mohamed. A. Hussien, Mohammed. F. El-Shiekha


Nanoparticles have one dimension that measures 100 nanometers or less. The properties of many conventional materials will be changed when they are in nanoparticle form. This is typically because nanoparticles have a greater surface area per weight than larger particles which make them to be more reactive to other molecules. The aim of this study to demonstrate the biochemical effect of basic curcumin – zinc oxide nanocompsite modified with vitamin C and surfactant induced experimentally in female mice. This study was carried out on 80 mice and weighted 25-30 gm. Mice were classified into four groups Group 1: Non tumor bearing mice (act as normal control) .Group 2: Tumor bearing mice (act as tumor bearing control group). Group 3: NTBM-treated with nanocompsite orally at dose of (1.850 g/kg /day) 6 weeks. Group 4: TBM-treated with nanocompsite orally at dose of (1.850 g/kg /day) 6 weeks. Blood samples were collected from all animals groups after 2, 4 and 6 weeks of treatment. Serum were separated and processed directly for AST and ALT activities, Urea, Creatinine, Nitric oxide concentration and Interleukin-6 (IL-6) and Interleukin-8 (IL-8) levels. The obtained results revealed that, these novel nanocompsite have a very important role in improving liver and kidney functions and pro inflammatory agents.

Key words

Curcumin nanoparticles, ZnNP, CTAB, ALT, AST, Creatinine, Urea, NO, IL-6, IL-8

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