Bacteriological and molecular studies on staphylococcus aureus isolated from raw milk

¹Ashraf, A. AbdEL-Tawab, ² Nahla, A. Abou El-Roos and 2Asmaa, A.M. El-Gendy


The present study was performed on a total of 100 raw buffalo Milk samples from different sources at El-Menofiya Governorate that the inspected samples were taken in ice box within an a hour for bacteriological examination. The results revealed that 80 out of 100 samples (80%) were positive for staphylococcus spp. Out of those 80 samples, 42(53%) were coagulase positive Staphylococci spp while 38(47%) were coagulase Negative Staphylococci spp. Out of those 42 coagulase positive Staphylococci spp,31 were (73.8%) Staph. aureus. In vitro Gentamycin, Trimethoprim / sulphamethazole, Ampicillin, Cephadrine were the most proper antibiotic against isolated Staph. aureus. By using PCR Spa virulence gene was detected in two studied strains while, enterotoxin E was detected only in one strain out of 6 studied strains. Meanwhile, hIyA and enterotoxin (Sea, Seb, Sec, Sed) virulence genes were not detected in all studied strains.

Key words

Staphylococcus aureus, raw milk, PCR

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