Incidence of salmonella in Egyptian milk based desserts

Hamdi, M. Abdelsamei1; Adham, M. Abdou1; Nahla, A. Shawky2 and Islam, A. El-Sebay3


This experiment was conducted on a total of one hundred random samples of milk based desserts consists of rice pudding, mehallabia, custard and cream caramel, (25 samples each) were collected from different dairy shops and primitive restaurants in Minoufiya Governorate; transferred directly to the laboratory under strict hygienic conditions; for the detection, isolation and identification of Salmonellae. The percentage of Salmonella in the examined samples of mehallabia was 8%, while not detected for the examined rice pudding, custard and cream caramel samples. The isolated Salmonella serovars from mehallabia samples were Salmonella enteritidis and Salmonella typhimurium. The current result indicated that the mehallabia samples represent a source of foodborne disease for human being.

Key words

Rice pudding; Mehallabia; Custard; Cream caramel; Salmonella; Serovars.

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