Dalia F. khater a, Hanaa M. Soultan b, Nadia A. Abosrea b


The present study was designed to determine some heavy metals and insecticide residues in duckcarcasses obtained from retail markets of Berma and Tanta, Gharbia governorate, Egypt. Fortysamples of meat, liver, gizzard and heart (10 of each) were collected for determination of heavymetals (lead and cadmium) and insecticide (aldrin, dieldrin and malathion) residues. Lead andcadmium was recovered from all samples of duck meat, heart, gizzard and livers. Significantdifferences (P<0.05) of lead and cadmium levels were observed between duck meat, heart, gizzardand liver samples. Moreover, > 80% and > 90% of examined samples for lead residues and >70% and>90% of examined samples contained cadmium residues were found to exceed the limitsrecommended by E.O.S.Q.C. and FAO/WHO. In contrary, malathion concentrations were low, andwithin international statutory safe limit (0.02 ppm). The mean values of malathion levels estimated forduck meat, heart, gizzard and liver samples were 0.84, 0.89, 0.94 and 1.15 (ppb), respectively. It wassurprising that aldrin and deldrin were not detected from all examined duck samples. It is concluded,duck meats and offal contained higher levels of heavy metals compared to insecticides which weregenerally low, and within international statutory safe limits. The information provided herein shouldreceive more attention from the point of public health, for residue control in meat and edible offal inEgypt, helping the implementation and maintenance of sanitary control.

Key words

Aldrin, Cadmium, Dieldrin, Duck Carcasses, Lead, Malathion.

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