Ali, H. A.; Elsenosy, Y.A. and Hossam S. M. E.


This study was carried out on 50 patients with nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (age from 50- 69 years), and 10 healthy subjects (age from 50- 69 years) from Mansoura university hospitals and medical clinics. An informed consent from all patients was taken. Patients were subjected to history taking, full clinical examination; general and abdominal examination and abdominal ultrasonography. The aim of this work was to study the biochemical changes in non-alcoholic steatohepatitis in geriatric patients on some inflammatory markers cytokines (IL2, IL6), immunoglobulin, antioxidant (NO, MAD, SOD and GSH), lipid profile and hepatic function enzymes in patient with NASH. The results of the present study showed that Liver functions and lipid metabolism were impaired in geriatric patient with NASH syndrome, Chronic inflammatory state was recorded in geriatric with NASH evidenced by significant elevation in IL2 , IL6 and IgA more a significant increased formation of reactive oxygen species as a response which results in elevation of NO,MDA level and decrease in SOD and GSH.

Key words

Steatohepatitis, Immunoglobulin, Antioxidant enzymes, Cytokines.

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