Evaluation of the immune response of pigeons to Newcastle disease and pigeon paramyxo virus vaccines

Amer, M. I.S. a, El-Bagoury, G.F.b and Khodeir, M.H. c


One hundred and twenty pigeons divided into 4 groups (30 birds/ group). Group one vaccinated with the local produced inactivated pigeon paramyxo vaccine using 0.5ml injected subcutaneous in the dorsal aspect of neck; Group two vaccinated with Hitchner B1 Newcastle disease vaccine through drinking water while third group vaccinated with oil inactivated Newcastle disease vaccine through injection of 0.5ml subcutaneously in the dorsal aspect of neck. The 4th group was kept without vaccination as control. The use of homologous virus in HIT; SNT and ELISA, revealed that all vaccinated pigeon groups exhibited detectable antibodies by first week post vaccination reached their peak by the 2nd month post vaccination then began to decline gradually to reach their lowest titers by the 12thmonth post vaccination. So, the use of PP virus, it was noticed that specific PP antibodies were higher than those non-specific antibodies induced by other ND vaccines. On the other side the use of ND virus showed that antibodies were lower than those induced by other ND vaccines. It was found PP vaccine provided 100% protection against the homologous PP virus and 90% against ND virus (group-1) while Hitchner-B1 protected pigeons against PP virus with 50% only and 100% against ND virus while inactivated ND vaccine protected 60% of challenged pigeons against PP virus and 100% against ND virus. But nonvaccinated challenged pigeons survived PP virus with 10% only and survived ND virus with 80%.

Key words

Newcastle disease; pigeon paramyxovirus serotype-1; HA; HI

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