ª Faten S.H., ª Amani M. S., b Mervat S.H. and b Gaafar M. H. b


The aim of this study is to determine the contamination level of cattle and camel offal with Enterobacteriaceae either qualitatively or quantitatively. A total of 120 random lung, liver and heart samples (40 of each) were collected equally from cattle and camel from El Menoufya Governorate. The obtained results indicated that the mean values of total Enterobacteriaceae count / g of lung , liver and heart samples were 8.53×104± 1.41×104 , 3.96×104± 0.75×104 and 9.17×103± 2.08×103 for cattle and 5.26×104± 1.03×104 , 8.84×103± 2.17×103 and 4.59×103± 0.66×103 for camel , respectively, while the mean values of the coliform count /g of lung , liver and heart samples1.72×104± 0.39×104, 7.44×103± 1.86×103 and 3.25×103± 0.67×103 , of cattle. & 9.51×103± 2.31×103, 4.27×103± 0.89×103 and 8.38×102± 1.93×103 in case of camel, respectively. The differences associated with the examined offal samples as a result of total Enterobacteriaceae and coliform counts were highly significant (P < 0.01). On the other hand, Salmonella, E.coli, Citrobacter, Enterobacter, Klebsiella, Serratia and Proteus species were isolated from the examined offal samples with varying percentages. The significance of the isolated Enterobacteriacae and the various sources of contamination as well as the suggestive hygienic measures for the production of clean and safe offal were discussed.

Key words

Enterobacteriaceae, Edible offal, Salmonella, E. coli

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