Mohamed A.E. Omar


This study aimed to evaluate economic effect of Probiotic (L. acidophilus) for different breeds of broiler in Egypt. This work was conducted at special poultry farm in Shrakia Governorate, during period extended from 11th of October 2013 till 23th of December 2013 to investigate the effect of dietary supplementation of some Probiotic (L. acidophilus) (Probax®) on economic and productive efficiency of broilers. A total number of 450 bird, consists of three breeds (Hubbard, Ross and Cobb) of boilers were used in this research (150 bird for each breed). Two groups of each breed (75) were used, where one treated with Probiotic (L. acidophilus, 1gm/kg ration) and control not treated. All groups feeds with standard starter and finisher rations. The different productive and economic measures are applied. The results showed significant effect (P <0.05) of Probiotic (L. acidophilus) on the final body weight where the highest body weight was Ross treated group and lowest was the cobb control groups. In addition, there was no significant difference (P > 0.05) among all groups of breeds in dressing percentage, abdominal fat percent and gizzard fat percent. The results indicated that addition of Probiotic (L. acidophilus) to broilers diet caused a higher improvement in broilers net profit than control which given diet without any feed additives. The Probiotic (L. acidophilus) treated groups in both Ross and Hubbard given the highest value in net profit compared with Cobb. Finally, we concluded that the Probiotic (L. acidophilus) play important role in improving the economic and productive efficiency of poultry farm although it constitutes small cost portion from the total or variable costs of poultry production. Also, indicated that using 1gm/kg ration of probiotic L. acidophilus was better for Ross breed than that of Hubbard and cobb breed.

Key words

Broiler Farms, Economic Evaluations, Probiotic (L. acidophilus).

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