Oxytetracycline residues in marketed Frozen beef livers at Sharkia, Egypt

El Atabani, A. I.*, El-Ghareeb, W. R.*, Elabbasy, M. T.* and Ghazaly, E. I.*


The present study was performed to determine the presence of antibiotic residues in local and imported frozen liver samples marketed at Sharkia Governorate, Egypt. One hundred local liver samples were examined by microbial inhibition test for antibiotic residues, 5 samples (5%) react positive while all the examined imported frozen liver samples (20 samples) were free from antibiotic residues. Oxytetracycline residues were found in local liver samples with an average of 2.51- 8.78 μg/g (mean 4.81 μg/g) using high performance liquid chromatography (HPLC). All positive samples are above the permissible limit.

Key words

liver, oxytetracycline, residues

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