Hassanien-faten, S; Hassan, M.A; Shaltout, S. and Elrais-Amina, M.


One hundred and fifty random samples of vacuum packaged meat products (salami, frankfurter and cocktail) 50 of each produced by 2 different processing plants determined as A and B (75 0f each) were collected from different supermarkets located in Qalyobia governorate for determination of their contamination with C. perfringens. The mean values of total C. perfringens counts /g in the examined samples were 3.16×102± 0.57×102& 9.65×102± 2.08×102 for salami, 8.72×102± 1.95×102& 2.81×103± 0.44×103 for frankfurter and 2.43×103± 0.38×103& 7.93×103±1.51×103 for cocktail, respectively. Accurately, C. bifermentas, C. butyricum, C. perfrigens, C. putrefaciens, C. sordelli, C. sporogens and C. tertium were isolated from the examined samples of vacuum packaged salami, frankfurter and cocktail produced by both processing plants A and B with different percentages. Typing of lecithinase positive strains of C. perfringens indicated the presence of types A, B, C and D in the examined samples of vacuum packaged salami, frankfurter and cocktail of both plants in different rates. The significance of isolated C. perfringens in the examined samples of vacuum packaged meat products and possible sources of their contamination as well as some recommendations to improve the quality of such meat items were discussed.

Key words

Clostridium perfringens, vaccum packaged meat products, Salami, Frankfurter, Cocktail

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